Nike Ja 1 Night

The Nike Ja 1 'Night' is set to release on May 1, 2024. Find release information and how to purchase a pair from Shop AWOL here.
Nike Ja 1 Night

The Nike Ja 1 continues to dominate. As people get ready to take their game to the outdoors, the Nike Ja 1 'Night' is a perfect option for the blacktop. Sporting a dark grey upper, lilac hits add some flare alongside the mismatched tongue tags and glow-in-the-dark Swoosh on the sides.


Shop AWOL will be releasing the Nike Ja 1 'Night' in-store on Wednesday May 1, 2024, on a first come, first serve basis. Any remaining pairs will be available online starting at 6 pm EST. Retail is $110.

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